Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Remember, Remember December

It's December!!!

This means...endless Christmas carols playing, the 25 days of Christmas on ABC Family, Lighting scented Christmas candles, decorating the house/buying and decorating the tree, hot chocolate, Pumpkin Spice lattes galore, turning on the heater so the house is all nice and toasty, 2 weeks of vaca in which I can endlessly waste time away cuddled under a blanket, Christmas gift-buying...and many more things.
January=the end to all of this plus finals, but we do not speak of such things just yet.

I stayed home from school today-fourth absent day this year...shame shame, oh well. I think the fluy cold thing everyone in my house has is catching up with me full-force. Dear swiney thing, go away, your presence is not wanted within the confines of my body.

I just spent the past five hours on Skype...but in my defence, i did get a good amount of homework done in that time. ...Chemistry's still waiting to be completed...but that can wait.
My mom broke out the huge amount of Christmas decorations today...our house is filled with twinkly carols, and the chimney-and pretty much entire living room-is covered with ornaments. There are four reindeer and a Santa and two snowmen chillin' on our front yard, and the door's decked out with a bow and decorative "ho ho ho" mat. My room's covered in holiday candles and stuffed santas and snowmen and a tree. Boxes and boxes of christmasy things cover our living room floor. I broke out a christmas sweater today, because i'm cool like that...and because it was warm and I was turning into frosty the snowgirl, but yeah...
It's definitely December...

Things in life are as usual. School's...school. The taunting hasn't gone away, but what can you do, I guess...I hate just giving into these things, but it's better than making a huge scene and looking like a pity-me or whiney child...
Things at home are same too...no new major drama. Mom's still her double-personality self-half the time happy and half the time trying to tear me to shreds emotionally...I don't even know if she knows she does it...I don't think she does... It'd just be nice if she'd at least pretend to have some faith in me...if she'd actually believe that I had a chance of being successful in life, versus saying she does, and then saying the complete opposite to my aunt or dad or anyone when she thinks I'm not listening...
Things I learned today:
Saying "I won't get sick" will more often than not lead to you waking up the next morning with a 101 fever and killer sore throat.
Drinking orange juice when I already feel like crap is a baaad idea.
My dog's scared of the people who talk through my computer
My brother got me 'something that looks like a large bear' for Christmas...

Wow, so many fascinating things learned today.

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