Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Gone Away Are the Golden Days

...Because it's not always who says it that's the point. It should be, and somethings shouldn't matter, but it's near impossible to control your feelings. Or maybe it's just so for me. Someday I'll learn to just not give a fuck. I want lessons on brushing things off, especially things like that. But I suck at it. And I suck about being subtle about how much it hurt, evidently. I didn't need that to happen, especially not after that other thing. It shouldn't matter. But, I'll just keep my mouth shut for a while; a long while.
Currently trying to pretend today didn't happen. Maybe it'll work, like in 1984, where all ou have to say it is so, and something officially never happened. Wouldn't it be nice to have the doublethink capability ...no, it wouldn't, not for the most part, but at moments like this it would definitely make things easier. And what really hurts the most, as much as I hate to admit it, is that they were telling the truth...and there's really no getting by that. I want an identity change...do they sell those yet? Is there an app for that?

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