Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Every Word Feels Like A Shooting Star

“I love sleep. My life has the tendency to fall apart when I’m awake, you know? ~Ernest Hemingway”

I know dude; i know.
The only problem is, sleep is hard to come by when there are three trillion things swirling around your mind...little tiny insignificant pieces of things falling apart, and effed up emotions, and worry and confusion, and excitement, and guilt, and...IDK. it's all just chillin within the confines of my brain.

feel like this blog makes me sound like a potential mental hospital ...person.
I begged dad to talke me to a concert tomorrow. he didn't quite say no, he's been trying everything to postpone worky things so he can take me, but i don't even wanna go anymore. Not true, I still do want to go, but it's not worth the guilt. I saw how exhausted he was, and I feel terrible for asking for so much. it's not right or fair. I'm such a selfish person.

And is it me, or is everyone falling into one of those lovey dovey relationships right about now. it's probably just me. I mean, they say you always see what you don't have; if you're trying to eat healthy, someone always seems to be eating a donut. If you're super thirsty, all you see are vending machines and lemonade stands...IDK. something like that.
I don't know what else to tell you. School is okay, getting better academically speaking, socially the same. Family's...family. i block them out. College acceptance(rejection) letters have yet to arrive. We have finals next week. I need a manicure, and to dye my hair. I need to go somewhere...anywhere.

I basically live here now:


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