Tuesday, December 8, 2009

And I Knew From the First Note Played, I'd be Breaking All the Rules to See You

Today's topic for English journaling was 'describe a significant thing that happened iether on this day or around it.' I have like ten things I could write about...

I opted to copy down a nice long paper I wrote a couple of months ago on Kate's music...don't even get me started here...because it'll take up like 3-4 pages. Just, life-changing, in a sort of it's hard to even believe it kind of way. then I wrote about Christmas tree shopping events of the past.

This was the first year I didn't go Christmas tree shopping with the parents, actually, but oh well...
At least we gots a treeeee.
Mom and I are probably gonna decorate it tonight...I love times like this. They're so drama-free and happy...I wish they lasted longer.

There are way too many lights and animals and things on our front lawn...talk about deck the halls.
We recorded that demo in music theory today...aaaaahh.
I will never ever ever ever like my voice, and having to listen to it while I sang/during the playback was cringe-worthy. At least it's done...I just hope he never brings those demos out again.
...Right after that I managed to break my cane in half...how do these things happen to me? I hate asking people to guide moi and stuffso yeah... I guess that's one of the reasons I'm so hesitant about meeting new people I.E online friends, or just...anyone. I really hate having to ask for help getting around...or drawing attention to me being blind at all, not because I don't like to talk about it or anything-because I don't mind being asked anything or anything-but I feel like a burden to those people...
But I digress. ...that was the unfortunate event of the day. At least I got a new one, and it's all pretty and clean and shiny and new and...I should not be excited about this.

We were working on photography in journalism today...you can imagine how thrilling that was for me...I took a nap.

It's super cold around here...and by 'super cold' I mean like 45 degrees...this is not normal SoCal weather. Dear Mother Nature, if you're gonna give us this brrrr, at least send some snow along with it....pleeeeease?

Seven more days of school...I'm excited. And next week's English and Journalism classes are going to be completely mindless...movies....

I think i'm gonna overdose on the smell of sinamon. The candle that's currently lit in my room has this coffee shop donut sinamon scent...it's fabulous. All warm and toasty and holiday-y. This is the same candle I almost stuck my hand into earlier...I'm legit such a mess today.

Currently watching Ellen, this little kid on the show=adorable.

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