Thursday, December 10, 2009

With a Hunger, With a Hope and With a Dream

What is it about this time of year that makes one feel all mushy and cuddly and romantic and all that shtuffff?? Blah, oh holiday's bittersweet.
What is it about "Maple Tree" by Angel Taylor that brings back such vivid memories from last summer? I can't believe it's been half a year since the end of junior year, since I went to STEP...since all that stuff went down. Time flies by in the slowest of ways...

I can think of nothing relatively interesting to type today.

My dad brought snow again...we proceeded to throw snowballs and make a creepy-looking snowman. These are the parental bonding moments I live for.

Oh look, it's "Twisted" by Carrie Underwood...oh this song. *sigh* Yes, I just admitted to being a Carrie Underwood fan. She's the tolerable country artist...her and taylor Swift...and usually Kellie Pickler.

So I've decided that giving me directions is basically pointless. Let's take a trip back to this afternoon, for instance. The scene: The Thousand Oaks mall, Christmas shoppers galore. The task: Meet me by the information desk by 3:00. The student: thought process...okay, so I turn left after that nex--oh look, christmas song--where was I? Omg, Taylor Swift Christmas song. Love.

...I'm smart(ish?), I swear...I'm just rediculously easy to distract.

Oh hey, it's "Wedding Song". This song makes me smile...a lot.

Anywho, where was I?

Oh right, the completely pointless blog post.
Umm, what else can I tell you...
I epically fail at chemistry. That damn math...
It's actually enjoyable once I understand what I'm's the whole understanding it that sucks and makes me want to tear my book in half.
I've noticed that I work really well under pressure. If I have one assignment to get done and like three hours to do it, chances are it might not get done until right before next day's class... If I have five assignments and one hour...chances are they'll all get done efficiently. I should really work on prioritizing...and this is where I burst out laughing, because-as nice as it would be if that actually happened-we all know it's not going too.

It's supposed to rain tomorrow, like huge storm rain. I'm excited. I want thunder!
I wanna be in CO todayyy...or maybe NYC. Iether location would make me very very happy. i miss the rush and excitement of a concert...I need to go to one, ASAP.
My brother just came into my room and told me about his dream. Wanna hear it? No? Well, I'll tell you anyways, for lack of any better words to fill this blog with.
Apparently he was really hungry...and he ate his turtles. Then he told me in great detail about how sad he felt after he did this. Richard can be compassionate, who knew? Me, being the sweet thoughtful little sister that I am, snorted in laughter. Add worst sister of the year to awards I should totally be nominated for. In my defense, he's def in the top 100 for worst/most abnoxious older brother.
Anyone ever notice anything kind of creepy about the song 'Frosty the Snowman?' Personally, if a snowman came to life, it'd freak me out. ...and if he started to play with little kids? It'd be like a ghost/rapist snowy combo.

Ho-ho-holiday spirit.

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