Monday, December 7, 2009

Just Another Monday Rain

Or, y'know, the first one since God knows when.
actually...that's a lie, there was one in like, October, but it doesn't was more like a drizzle.

Ah, I love this weather sooo much. I love the's just so...fabulous. It makes it actually feel like winter in Cali for once.
And I <333 the rain. The sound of the raindrops hitting the ground, the window the relaxing, the best thing to drift to sleep listening too. It's like a conbination of love/depressing weather really, but...
It kind of makes me wanna blow off all my schoolwork, and curl up with a blanket and something warm, watching some Christmas movie or something...I wanna cuddle with someone. Wahh.

Unfortunately none of these are very possible ATM. The only snuggle buddy i've got is Moose...and he's not really much of a snuggler. hah. And, blowing off hw is definitely not an option. I've let my grades slip waaaay too much, and I don't even know why...I know I can do all the work, but it's just...laziness/lack of motivation, IDK, It's not like my grades are horrific, but I'm so used to straight A's, and the occasional B+

I want to go back to my over-achiever days...right now I just want to get everything done as soon as semester things are definitely gonna change.
English is's always been an easy class for me. French is...better, so that's a plus. Yay for no more C. Chem is okay, minus the math. I will NEVER be good, or have the patience to try to understand, anything mathematical. Music Theory is blah, other than the fact that tomorrow I get to record a demo of myself singing "Chestnuts Roasting On An Open Fire", which Mr. F. will then play for the class...FML.>.< WHYYYYY. Government's uneventful, our teacher just had a baby, so he has subs and all we do is watch movies/do worksheets.
French and chem like to attack with the homework, though...the joys. I still love French, but it's definitely gotten more challenging.
Things have gone okay today, but who knows how that might change, the night is young...

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